Meeting with HE Salem Al Dhaheri, Abu Dhabi University

We were honored to be welcomed by the Abu Dhabi University thanks to SE Dr. Ali Saeed Bin Harmal Aldhaheri, First Vice President of Abu Dhabi Chaber of Commerce, who made possible the meeting between our delegation, led by the Chairman of CCIRC, Eng. Rotondo, which accompanied a prestigious Italian University and the entire board of Abu Dhabi University, representing the leadership of the University.

The Executive Director, HE Salem Aldhaheri, explained the pillars on which Abu Dhabi rests with a focus on development in the field of education. Abu Dhabi University will be a leading university in the MENA region, providing graduates with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to become leaders of tomorrow, and engaging in research and innovation that make a difference to society.

The rest of the board and in particular Hamdi Mustafa Sheibani, Dean of Engineering College, Professor Barry O’Mahony, Dean of Business College and Dr. Sarah Al Sakkaf Al Hashimi, Associate Director provided us and the Representative of the Italian University with an exhaustive overview of the history of Abu Dhabi University, on their projectsstudy programmes and on the innovative entrepreneurial hub, laying the foundations for prestigious long-term collaborations and strengthening a bridge of cultural exchange between Italy and the UAE.

The meeting ended with a convivial lunch after a comprehensive guided tour of the entire campus and its facilities.